Hephzibah United Methodist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


The Scouts have their own web pages now, please check the Boy Scouts  out at www.hephzibah413.mytroop.us

and the Cub Scouts at www.hephzibah413.mypack.us.

We are "the best" CubScout Pack there is!  Our pack was formed in 2004.  We meet every Monday night at Hephzibah United Methodist Church at 7:00pm.  Cub Scouting begins when a child enters 1st grade and ends when he starts middle school.  Our pack is involved in many different community projects.  We participate in the Adopt A Highway program.  We clean up the streets of Hephzibah each year in preparation for the annual Christmas parade.  We collect soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.   We also help the city of Blythe with their Keeping America Beautiful program.  Keeping the boys involved in community activities is a vital part of our program.  We currently have about 40 active scouts.  We have a ton of fun!  Each scouting year we enjoy various hiking, fishing, camping and bicycling activities.  Come see what we are all about.