Hephzibah United Methodist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Our traditional style of worship at the historic Hephzibah United Methodist Church provides opportunities for individual participation regardless of age, race, social or economic status physical condition, or gender.  Our time of organized worship is just the beginning of our journey to enhance our spiritual growth and direction. 

Through this shared experience of inspirational sermons and messages (which provides a vision of God’s relevance for our time), congregational and choral music, and prayer we are given an opportunity to respond to God’s love and give thanks for the gift of His Son - our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Seize the opportunity to unite with, be encouraged by, and gain support and strength from others who wish to serve God in his local and global ministries.

Opportunities to serve include:
- Youth (grades 4-12) serve as light bearers, lighting and extinguishing altar candles (representing the light of Christ) during worship and other special services.
- Acolytes may also be called upon to assist during other acts of worship, such as communion and baptisms.
- Training provided. 
Lay Reader
- Youth and adults may serve in this capacity by reading the first Scripture lesson during the Sunday morning worship service.
- They may also be selected to participate in special worship services and programs as narrators.
Communion Steward
- An opportunity to prepare the communion elements served on the first Sunday of every month, as well as at special services in which the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is offered.
Communion Server
- Servers are scheduled the first Sunday of each month assist the Pastor in the serving of the elements to all those who wish to participate in receiving communion. 
- Congregants who are unable to come forward to the altar are served at their seat. 
- Throughout the year special communion altar offerings are received.
- Ushers distribute the Order of Worship bulletins to all who enter the sanctuary at worship services as well as provide assistance to visitors who may need direction in locating a seat, Nursery facilities, etc.
- By greeting our visitors they provide the hand of friendship upon entering God’s house.
- Ushers collect the offering.
- Ushers serve on a one-month rotation schedule.
Sanctuary Choir
- Our Sanctuary Choir and Music director are volunteers and comprise a small group of dedicated folks who take our Music Ministry to a new level.
- Being a choir member involves attending Sunday evening choir practice from 6:30-7:30 PM, and being diligent in Sunday worship service attendance.
- A special anthem is offered every Sunday.
- We are very structured and our goal is always to sing to the glory of God in the hope that the words and music will impart an inner strength, joy, fortification, and sense of peace to those who listen and receive the message.
- Special programs are presented throughout the year. 
- We welcome new members who are willing to dedicate their time and talents and desire to provide a message in music to enhance the spiritual lives of all who worship here.
Children's Choir
- Children’s Choir (Grades PreK-5) provides special seasonal and non-seasonal music and meets on Sunday evenings at 6 PM as needed-not on a regular basis.
Altar Guild
 - This is an opportunity to prepare the sanctuary with the appropriate paraments which are displayed in accordance with the liturgical calendar for all services. Monitor the use of and supply of special items such as altar candles, Advent Wreath candles, etc.
Advent and Lenten Candle Lighters
- During the seasons of Advent and Lent, families and/or individuals are selected or volunteer to read special text/scripture as well as lighting the appropriate candles at the beginning of the worship services during these seasons of the church.
Resurrection Flower Cross
- This cross of flowers is erected on the front lawn of the church on Easter morning--  A visible sign of our celebration of our Risen Lord.  Volunteers meet the Saturday before Easter to assemble and ready the cross for display.
For more information please call the Church office at 706-592-4305.