Hephzibah United Methodist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

United Methodist Women


     The UMW (United Methodist Women) is a group of women who meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm to plan, pray, volunteer, and fellowship.

     We plan events in which the UMW can help the various ministries of the Church.  An example would be the annual clean up day in April to go through the various buildings and make sure everything is spotless for our Homecoming celebration the first Sunday in May.  If chores need doing, we either do them or find someone who can.

     We pray for our Church members, our families, and friends who are in need of prayer.  We pray for those who are ill, those in the Armed Forces and for the families who have had a member go home to the Lord.

     We volunteer at the Church fundraisers; we usher during the month of October, and generally help any way we can.  We also volunteer at our adopted school – Hephzibah Elementary.  We provide dinner for the families of patients at the Joseph Still Burn Unit at Doctor’s Hospital six times a year.

     After our meetings, we fellowship with one another with dessert and beverages, provided by pairs of our members.

     We would love to see our membership grow and invite you to attend our meetings!

     For further information please call the church office at 706-592-4305.

For our upcoming events please see our Church Calendar