Hephzibah United Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Special Sundays

The Special Sundays in The United Methodist Church are intended to be illustrative of the nature and calling of the Church and are celebrated annually.  They are placed on the calendar in the context of the Christian year, which is designed to make clear the calling of the Church as the people of God, and to give persons the clear opportunity of contributing offerings to special programs.

January Communion          Human Relations Day - to further the development of better human relations by involving congregations in community and youth outreach through Community Developers Programs, United Methodist Voluntary Services Programs, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs.
February Communion        Housing and Homeless Offering-a ministry that supports homeless shelters, feeding programs, domestic violence shelters, utility and rent assistance, programs that prevent homelessness and programs to help homeless persons learn skills.
March Communion             One Great Hour of Sharing - to share the goodness of life with those who hurt by offering relief, rehabilitation and refugee resettlement and addressing the root causes of hunger. United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) sponsored programs of relief.
April Communion               Native American Awareness - to develop and strengthen Native American ministries in the annual conference and to provide scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology.
May Communion              Wesley Woods Mothers Day offering this Sunday http://www.wesleywoodsinc.org 
June Communion                Peace With Justice - to encourage the church’s involvement in and support for peace and justice ministries and to witness “to God’s demand for a faithful, just, disarmed and secure world”.

July Communion                 Wesley Woods - a charitable ministry to provide a decent, comfortable quality of life for older adults and enable them to live in a gracious caring community. 
August Communion            Camp Glisson - a year round retreat and summer youth camp owned by the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church.  Its purpose is to encourage young persons in spiritual growth.
September Communion      Christian Education Sunday-to reaffirm the church, as God’s people, to be open to growth and learning as disciples of Christ.
September                          Special Offering for Workday Offering UM Children’s Home.
October Communion          World Communion-to celebrate worldwide Christianity. To promote inclusiveness in the church through scholarships for international, racial and ethnic minority students.
November Communion       United Methodist Student Day - to call the church to support students as they prepare for life in uniting faith with knowledge by supporting United Methodists scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan Fund.
December Communion       Aldergate Homes - a ministry for adults with developmental disabilities to lead them into semi-independent living in save, comfortable group homes in 4 of the conference districts.
December 24                          Special Offering for New Bethlehem Community Center - was formerly Bethlehem Community Center, the first one established in the , in 1911.  Programs include: Boy Scout troops, basketball teams, cheerleaders, senior citizen program once a week, brown bag food program for senior citizens, computer literacy program, after school tutoring/mentoring program, supervised play after school, clothes closet for needy.